All golf course maintenance practices enhance performance, safety and lifespan of the turf and equipment. Mowing the turf is one of the most important golf course maintenance practices. Golf facilities use different Toro golf course mowers for different areas. Golf course mowers and other machines are very expensive and also very efficient. However, these machines also require proper maintenance. Their efficiency depends on their maintenance and how you are using them. In this article, you will learn how to optimize and evaluate your Toro golf course mowers.
Optimizing Golf Course Mower Performance
Training Operators And Mechanics
Down time, quality of cut and life of mowing equipment depends on how operators use the machine and how mechanics maintain it. It is important to train each user of the machine. All mowing equipment have their own features, specifications, behavior patterns and noise qualities. Operators should be able to report unusual changes in Toro golf course mowers. The mechanic should know how to diagnose these changes and fix the problem.
Maintenance Checks And Adjustments
Daily Checks
The mechanic should visually inspect the machine each day. Problems like lower oil levels, oil leaks, abnormal voices and loose or bent components can be easily identified with a visual inspection.
Adjusting Butterknife to Reel
When it comes to reel mowers, proper adjustment of bedknife to the reel is an effective preventive maintenance practice. The amount of contact and the frequency of visual inspection are important performance factors. Maintaining a light contact adjustment keeps cutting edges sharp. It is important to frequently check the adjustment as over tightening cannot immediately correct dulled cutting edges.
Evaluating Reel Mower Performance
The playability of turf is evaluated in terms of visual appearance and functional performance. After mowing, the turf becomes firm and has a crisp feel and appearance. An efficient cut and minimal stragglers give a crisp, brush-type feel. A mower can leave after-cut dark color paths which is normal.
Using The TurfEvaluator
Many turf discrepancies require closer examination with the TurfEvaluator. This tool helps in determining the causes of poor reel mower performance. It compares the effective height-of-cut of different mowed surfaces. It highlights effective crispness of cut, height-of-cut or imperfections like machine marks.
Detectable After-cut Imperfections
The Turf Evaluator can detect the following after-cut imperfections:
- Dull cutting edges
- Incorrect adjustment
- Not using preparation devices
- Not in clip window
- Inconsistent turf texture and density
- Using wrong type of roller
- Uneven wear on bedknife
- Loose bedknife screws
- Damaged bedknife areas due to hitting objects
- Bent reel blade
Overlap Mark
- Roller design
- Grass double cut and rolled
Straight Mismatch
- Uneven turf
- Inaccurate height-of-cut
- Thicker bedknife on one unit
- Different attitude on one unit
- Worn roller bearings
- Inconsistent turf density
Angled Mismatch
- Rollers and cutting edge are not parallel to each other
- Inaccurate height-of-cut
- Worn roller bearings
- Inconsistent turf texture and density
Angled Ridge
- Worn roller bearings
- Uneven turf
- Inaccurate height-of-cut at one of the edges
- Height-of-cut below the normal
- Improper attitude for height-of-cut
- Inconsistent turf texture and density
- No use of preparation device
- Inconsistent turf texture and density
- Mowing directions not altered consistently
Tire Track
- Tire pressure
- Inconsistent turf texture and density
Clip Mark
- Reel speed too fast or too low for ground speed
- Incorrect clip spacing
- Number of blades and reel diameter mismatch
- Too fast ground speed
- Inconsistent turf texture and density
- Out of round rollers
- Grass collecting on rollers
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